Senin, 11 November 2013

Terms of Tourism #6

1.High Season : A part of the year when many tourist visit a place and travel costs are therefore higher.
2.Holiday Resort : A place where a lot of people go on holiday, usually one with a lot of hotes, bars, and restaurants.
3.Holiday Season : The time of year when most people take their holidays.
4.Holiday Village : A village of small houses built for people to stay in while on holiday, usuallynear the sea, a river, or lake.
5.Low Season : The time of year when a place or business is least busy, for example because there are not many tourist. The busiest period of the year is high season.
6.Mecca : A place that a lot of people visit, because it is famous for something that they want to see or do.
7.Phrase Book : A small book that contains usefull words and phrases in a particular foreign language, used especially by tourists.
8.Showplace : An impressive place that tourists often visit.
9.Sunspot : A very sunny place that is popular for holidays.
10.Tourist Trap : A place that is visited by many tourists and is therefore crowded and expensive.

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